The Chicago Cubs and Ranma 1/2

------- Message

From: (Rex Roces)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: XR-Kun calls the Bullpen...
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 97 14:31:03 CDT
Reply-To: ranma

Yo Hunter X...

>XR-kun(....Cubs fan.=P...=)) said:

Just for the record (and i know this is as dangerous as involving oneself in the
eternal characters wars here on the ML)...i'm _not_ a Cub fan.  OTOH, i'm not
exactly proud of the underachieving nature of my Good(*) Guys in Black.
---*-very questionable moniker to be sure...

Whereas the White Sox are merely mediocre as of recent days, just look at the
record on the North Side.  Actually check both---the sox are only 3-a bunch
(forget how many losses), while the Cubs are a lowly 0-11...even for the
_Cubs_, That Is Pitiful!

So what's a more interesting sports story ultimately?  Merely mediocre or
First Class Baka Level Horrendous? Therefore you gotta pull for the underdog
that's more under (even if i don't have a preference for them)...

Now, for the rest of the Universe out there (How dare XR-Kun to get so
exclusively local!), wait a minute.  This is gonna be at least a national
story.  1st, the Cubs, much as i hate to admit, have a huge nat'l following.
2nd, that following comes from all the folklore (the storied ivy walls, etc
etc...hey i wanna keep my lunch here ;)).  3rd and most important, the underdog
factor...people (Kami only knows why) have an innate pull toward naive hope
of the impossible...besides, this is the worst start of a season for a Nat'l
League team in the "modern" era of baseball...sports history right here,
however dubious...

Thus my premise...putting Saotome on the Cub rotation.

[snip snip...Cards signing Akane etc etc]

That i'd get a skybox at Wrigley for!! (HOLY COW!!)

Please elaborate on this soon...
XR-Kun...too lazy to sig...

------- Message

Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 16:03:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: HunterX 
Reply-To: HunterX 
Subject: GO CUBS!!!...? What am I SAYING??? =)

XR-kun sayeth:
> Yo Hunter X...

*shakes his head and removes th' space between "Hunter" and "X"...*
There... better. =)

> >XR-kun(....Cubs fan.=P...=)) said:
> Just for the record (and i know this is as dangerous as involving oneself in the
> eternal characters wars here on the ML)...i'm _not_ a Cub fan.  OTOH, i'm not
> exactly proud of the underachieving nature of my Good(*) Guys in Black.

*sighs* Ok... Yer a Sox fan... Yer safe. =)

> Whereas the White Sox are merely mediocre as of recent days, just look at the
> record on the North Side.  Actually check both---the sox are only 3-a bunch
> (forget how many losses), while the Cubs are a lowly 0-11...even for the
> _Cubs_, That Is Pitiful!

Actually, even for the Cubs, that's _normal_. (Heck, I think 'bout a
two or three years ago, the Cards were 0-6 b4 their first win of the
season... =))
> [snip snip...Cards signing Akane etc etc]
> That i'd get a skybox at Wrigley for!! (HOLY COW!!)

*nods* And I'll be there in a deluxe box at Busch... Nice and
air-conditioned, too! =)

------- Message

From: (Rex Roces)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: 3 up and 3 down...
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 97 13:08:34 CDT
Reply-To: ranma

Arnold Kim said...
>Hey, hey now...The only person she hits is Ranma...
..commenting on the interview with Ranma Saotome as he talks about the Mallet

Uh, read it again, Arnold---okay granted the excessive punctuation will require
nothing less than the Rosetta Stone to decipher---but once you do, you clearly
see it _is_ Ranma getting hit.  In fact i'll just reiterate right here:

Ranma: [Akane] perfected her Mallet Swing on me...

Ranma: No, Akane, i meant when i pitched to you...oww...

See.  Ranma gets hit, not the reporter.

[snip snip Ranma better as shortstop?]

When he plays as Ranma-chan on defense, i can see his speed come in handy.
But remember, i put him on the mound to start this thread...Goin with the
Hideo Nomo parallel.  Still, that does bring up 2 things i've not yet fully

1) Who'd play what positions?

and of course...
2) what ramifications ("ranmafications?" :)) would the respective Jusenkyo
curses have on Major League Baseball??

Harry Carey: WHOA-lee Cow!  Who's da cute redhead on da mound?

Steve Stone: She's a last-minute replacement for Saotome after that
unfortunate Gatorade dispenser incident...checking the scorecard, that's
Ranko Saotome, Ranma's cousin

HC: Well, pitching seems to run in their blood...

SS: This is her Major League debut, as Albert Belle of the White Sox
steps to the plate...

HC: Now the pitch...

Ump: one, two, AND three! Yer out!

HC: What the h...uh, he STRUCK him out!

HC:...and Belle is not very happy!

SS: I wouldn't imagine anyone would be happy gettin fooled by the soon-to-be-
famous Tetsu Amiguriken Triple Fastball Strikeout pitch!

HC: It gives new meaning to the phrase "throw like a girl!"

[meanwhile..."Hawk" n' Wimpy do radio play by play for South Side]

Hawk: Dang, Wimpy! Now that's what i call some serious high heat!

Wimpy: A real scorcher, Hawkeroo..."Bad Boy" Belle grabs some bench no sooner
than he left it to go to the plate!!

..and BTW, while we're at it, since we know it'd be no fair to have the Cubs
corner the market on the Nerima rookies, who plays for what team? THat is
among those we haven't yet mentioned? (Still, i'm sure it'd be nice to
dream...i mean look at the LA team)

..2b continued...
XR-Kun...oh you know the rest...

------- Message

From: (Rex Roces)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: 3 up and 3 down (bottom half)
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 97 13:37:09 CDT
Reply-To: ranma

Still more from Mr. Arnold "Met Boy" Kim:

[snip snip other Furinkan Kamikazes drafted...]

>I guess we could take Kodachi, but that would be terrible PR...

Oh, no worse than the '94 strike, the Alomar spitting incident, Albert Belle
uh, doing _any_thing! (Yeah i know he's been a good boy in far...)
It's not like ?-able characters are the exception anymore in pro sports in
general---take Dennis Rodman---PLease!!! 

Nah, consider the sorry state of sportsmanship in sports (is that redundant?)
and emphasis on eccentric players...The Black Rose'd fit it just peachy. Besides
MLB's been complaining about how to bring back the fans after fall '94/spring
'95...well lessee we otaku cut right across the entire demographic spectrum...
surely we could represent a huge piece of the financial pi, er okonomiyaki...

and speaking of food...

Announcer 1: And if you look in the stands, there's our new sluggin' sensation,
Ukyou Kuonji, serving her patented tried it yet?

Announcer 2: Oko...yoko-on...tried it? I can't even say it!

A1: Oh that's some good eatin'---kinda like a bagel dog,
it's not!!

A2: Well, looks like all we got left to ourselves is moms, apple pie, and

And one more thing...
Granted, Genma may not be the player type...but...

Announcer: ...and everyone loves the new manager for LA, Genma Saotome...
he seems to have a fair amount of rapport with Nomo and Ho Park...

Color commentator: The striking resemblance to that beloved previous manager
must have something to do with that too i'm sure.  But whatya make of that
new mascot of ours who came with Genma?

Ann.: You mean the panda? Well the kids love him...but why the heck do you only
see him when Saotome steps away for a few minutes??

Color commentary:...and why does he give signals to the baserunners? all this virtual traveling is exhausting...

XR-Kun the Eternally Verbiose Boy

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